Saturday, March 5, 2011

I am a 26 year old female with long history of allergies. I have been told that a chiropractor can help me cure this agonizing problem. Any thoughts?

To put things into perspective; chiropractors are not doctors, they do not prescribe and have little formal training in clinical medicine.  Chiropractors manipulate joints, massage muscle and muck around with the bones.  Allergies occur when the body reacts intensely to a foreign item, which may be food, pollen, dust, mites or smoke. Allergies involves the immune system, skin and the airways.
When the allergen comes into contact with the immune system, there is a cascade of event that take place and most of this communication involves an interaction between various cells and organs of your body. No amount of manipulation of your body from the outside can affect these tiny cells and their reactions. How is manipulation of your nose, eyes, or skin going to treat or prevent your allergies? If you have any common sense, you should avoid going to people who know very little about the disease.  So save your money; go and see a bona fide doctor who specializes in allergies. 
Unfortunately, many of these so called allergy doctors go to the other extreme and start performing unnecessary tests and want to give you shots which do jack shit.